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Старый   30.07.2010, 01:22
Pancamo очень, очень хорош(-а)Pancamo очень, очень хорош(-а)
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Сообщение от Den_G. Посмотреть сообщение
my congratulations
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Старый   31.07.2010, 15:22
ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!
Аватар для ImitatoR
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Pancamo, did you get the scarf?
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Старый   31.07.2010, 17:44
Pancamo очень, очень хорош(-а)Pancamo очень, очень хорош(-а)
По умолчанию

Сообщение от ImitatoR Посмотреть сообщение
Pancamo, did you get the scarf?
Unfortunately I did, I saw one of your fans just two elderly gentleman in the kit but did not have scarves. I'm very lucky we were able to beat a team that is objectively much better especially after the experience (most of our players this is just the third match of the Euro championships) on the budgets of clubs and not talk. However, I am aware that the minimum benefit to all of you are still favorites. Whatever that is, I am pleased with our players because of the great fighting spirit and courage. And no one understood me wrong about your club and the fans think all the best.
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Старый   05.08.2010, 22:51
Pancamo очень, очень хорош(-а)Pancamo очень, очень хорош(-а)
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Congratulations and good luck in next round.
Kosovo is Serbia
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Старый   06.08.2010, 02:57
S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!S!RKO - СуперБог!
Аватар для S!RKO
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You should be proud of your team! They are bold, tenacious and resilient. You do not have enough experience. I wish you success and victory.
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Старый   13.07.2012, 13:34
mark_ko нейтрален(-на)
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Hi. It's great that here we can speak English and meat new friends from another countries.
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