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Champions League 2006/07
Старый   07.12.2006, 14:56
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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По умолчанию Champions League 2006/07

Group stage has been completed and now we go trough to second round. The teams reach last 16:

-Bayern Munich
-Real Madrid
-Manchester United

Surely, I'd like to see United win the CL this year, but I think Fergie will pay attention to Premier League more.
Thats why, Chelsea and Lyon are my biggest favourites to win the CL.

What about yours?
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Старый   07.12.2006, 17:03
Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!Den_G. - Бог!
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Сообщение от RyanGiggs

Всё написанное выше является моим субъективным мнением и никак официальной позицией кого бы-то ни было.
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Старый   07.12.2006, 17:45
ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!
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Konrad, Roma??? Don't make me laugh ) They are loooosers

IMHO, there are 4 teams pretends on semi-final: Arsenal, Barca, Lion and Chelsea. So, all depends on draw from now on. If pairs in 1/8 will come as Ars-Barca, Lion-Chelsea, then we will get another two pretenders
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Старый   07.12.2006, 18:31
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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You are right ImitatoR. All depends on draw atm. Like past 2 years, I could never reckon that Liverpool and Arsenal play at the finals. )
And last night I hated Arsenal once more..It doesn't matter CSKA lost to Hamburg in Germany. They all just sat in the center circle flirting with Porto players!! Porto played some football and tried at least. (2 shoots hit the post)
I remember such a thing happened in another Champions League game few years ago. I think it was between Galatasaray and Sturm Graz.. They stoped playing after learning the result of the other match.. Totaly disgusting teams.

anyway, back on the topic again, I really want to watch Barca-Lion games in any round this year, except Final, since it is only 1 game. It will be much more fun to watch them at 2 games both away and homes.
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Старый   07.12.2006, 19:55
ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!
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Сообщение от RyanGiggs
They all just sat in the center circle flirting with Porto players!!
as it was predicted. Nothing strange, as for me Both teams knew what this match worth and result was overcharged. Did u really expected that Ars&Porto will play openly?
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Старый   07.12.2006, 21:00
kvitka - гуруkvitka - гуруkvitka - гуруkvitka - гуруkvitka - гуруkvitka - гуруkvitka - гуруkvitka - гуру
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Real Madrid
Manchester United
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Старый   07.12.2006, 21:28
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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Сообщение от ImitatoR Посмотреть сообщение
Did u really expected that Ars&Porto will play openly?
Actually, after Ive read this article, i wasnt expecting:

but porto looked very dangerous at the 20-30 mins and they didnt play for a draw. Their players have a great accuracy and could hit the woodwork. So I thought it could happen something.

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Real Madrid
Manchester United
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Старый   14.12.2006, 21:48
Днепровец играет в основном составеДнепровец играет в основном составе
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I'm supporting Barca and Lyon (as it was in last season).
Favourites are: Barca, Lyon, Chealsea, MU.
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Старый   14.12.2006, 21:59
Konrad отключил(а) отображение уровня репутации
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Сообщение от ImitatoR
Konrad, Roma??? They are loooosers
But I like them And favourites are: Real, Chelsea.
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Старый   15.12.2006, 16:57
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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UEFA Champions League first knockout round

FC Porto (POR) v Chelsea FC (ENG)
Celtic FC (SCO) v AC Milan (ITA)
PSV Eindhoven (NED) v Arsenal FC (ENG)
LOSC Lille Mйtropole (FRA) v Manchester United FC (ENG)
AS Roma (ITA) v Olympique Lyonnais (FRA)
FC Barcelona v Liverpool FC (ENG)
Real Madrid CF (ESP) v FC Bayern Mьnchen (GER)
FC Internazionale Milano (ITA) v Valencia CF (ESP)

Jose going back to Porto ) United must get revenge from Lille this time! Barca vs Liverpool!!! Wow
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Старый   15.12.2006, 17:20
ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!
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FC Porto (POR) v Chelsea FC (ENG)
Celtic FC (SCO) v AC Milan (ITA)
PSV Eindhoven (NED) v Arsenal FC (ENG)
LOSC Lille Mйtropole (FRA) v Manchester United FC (ENG)
AS Roma (ITA) v Olympique Lyonnais (FRA)
FC Barcelona v Liverpool FC (ENG)
Real Madrid CF (ESP) v FC Bayern Mьnchen (GER)
FC Internazionale Milano (ITA) v Valencia CF (ESP)
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Старый   15.12.2006, 17:29
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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I agree on all, but Celtic can beat Milan if they play like they did against MU.
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Старый   15.12.2006, 19:18
::Soy hincha del Dnipro::
Antonio - любимчик публики!Antonio - любимчик публики!Antonio - любимчик публики!Antonio - любимчик публики!
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Сообщение от RyanGiggs
I agree on all, but Celtic can beat Milan if they play like they did against MU.
I Think Inter also can beat Valencia (do u remember results of last matches of Valencia?)
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Старый   15.12.2006, 19:28
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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Actually, whenever a Spanish and an Italian team play against each other, it is really difficult to predict the result. So lets see whats gonna happen.
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Старый   15.12.2006, 20:42
ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!ImitatoR - Демиург!!
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btw, despite my prediction, i hope that Liver will beat Barca
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Старый   16.12.2006, 01:01
Konrad отключил(а) отображение уровня репутации
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I agree with Imitator, but
Real Madrid CF (ESP) v FC Bayern Mьnchen (GER) - 99 %
And may be
PSV Eindhoven (NED) v Arsenal FC (ENG)
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Старый   18.12.2006, 04:05
chudo33 играет в основном составеchudo33 играет в основном составе
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2 RyanGiggs
Chelsea, that`s my love Or it also may be Arsenal.
In any case i hope it`ll be U.K.
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Старый   18.12.2006, 14:58
RyanGiggs играет в основном составеRyanGiggs играет в основном составе
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Ferguson : "I've said before that one of the British teams can win it and I stand by that. I hope it's us."
I agree with Sir Alex. ) but I am not sure if MU can make it this year. Chelsea have more chance than other English Clubs to win the CL.
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Старый   21.12.2006, 03:47
chudo33 играет в основном составеchudo33 играет в основном составе
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Actually, I like Chelsea more than MU. So I`ll be glad if you are right. So there are at least tree of us, who belive in U.K.
It`s turned out that write on English harder than I had thought
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